The One Relationship that Lasts Your Whole Life.......
Relationship with your body is the one relationship that lasts your whole life.
Relationships affect us on a daily basis, and most of us pay attention to how we relate to our family, our spouse or partner, our friends, colleagues and pretty much everyone come into contact with. But how many of us prioritize our relationship with our own body?
Our bodies are amazing!
When I look back on the abuse I put my body through, especially in my late teens and 20’s, with too much partying, not enough sleep, probably enough exercise and certainly no thought, I am sometimes amazed at how good my health is now. But our body is designed to be healthy, and designed to recover from trauma and injury be it accidental or self-infliecte. Anyone who remembers SuperSize Me, knows that healing is possible.
But as I grow older, it has made me reflect on how little I paid attention and what the consequences of not looking after my body, compared to now.
What does it mean to “have a relationship with my body?”
You can have several different kinds of relationships with your body including:
Conflictual – I want to do something but my body lets me down, or I judge my body, it’s the wrong shape or size, it disappoints me
Distant – I ignore my body, I don’t listen to it’s signals, I don’t honour my body’s needs such as basics like nutritious food, exercise, sunlight, rest and instead power through with mental energy
Congruent – I recognize that there is wisdom, information, inner guidance and knowing and I listen to my inner voice and act respond
It’s not like you have to listen all the time, but most of the time would be a good idea. We all have times when our body let’s us down a bit, or we ignore the call from our body to do something different like take a break. But if you want to be the best you can be, there is a lot to be said for having a congruent relationship with your body.
Many still follow the old thinking that body and mind are separate, yet without a body the mind has no where to go. How do you relate to your body and does anything need to change?
If you want to change and improve your relationship to your body, you can explore your relationship with your body through our Somato Respiratory Integration workshops and with Network Spinal Analysis, our approach.