Tony Robbins Says This Little-Known Therapy is One of the Most Powerful Sources of Transformation He Has Ever Experienced
Tony Robbins Says This Little-Known Therapy is One of the Most Powerful Sources of Transformation He Has Ever Experienced
It could rock your world both professionally and personally.
By Melanie Curtin Writer, activist
You may be aware of the fact that Tony Robbins is one of the leading personal growth experts in the world. Did you know he's also a survivor of domestic violence?
He's open about that fact during his seminars; in fact, he uses it as a teaching tool. He's also open about receiving a form of somatic therapy called Network Spinal Analysis (NSA), which has helped him overcome both physical and emotional issues in his life (related to his childhood and beyond).
NSA was created by Dr. Donny Epstein in the 1980s. It's deceptively simple yet profoundly effective. NSA practitioners lightly touch certain parts of your spine to release tension. By releasing that tension, energy is freed up, which the body uses to increase flexiblity in your spine and, by extension, your nervous system.
At its core, NSA is an elegant hack to help you reorganize your body and mind, making you more physically and mentally flexible and resilient. It's like a software upgrade for humans.
The results are remarkable, and heavily research-backed. According to Dr. R.H. Blanks at the UC Irvine's Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, NSA "has a direct effect on client self-reported wellness which is twice that expected from healthy lifestyle practices (exercise, risk avoidance, optimal food choices)."
In other words, NSA creates results double those of eating better, exercising, and doing things like stopping smoking--and it does so with no side effects. Practitioners also report that patients under Network care start making healthier choices on their own; instead of efforting their way to eating healthier (or being told they have to or they'll have another heart attack), they just naturally start to do it.
But it's good for far more than just physical ailments. Because NSA treats the spine and in turn the nervous system, there's almost nothing it doesn't address. Your nervous system impacts everything: your physical pain; your emotions, your anxiety/depression; your energy level; your ability to process complexity; your stress level.
A few concrete things NSA has be used to treat:
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Substance abuse (alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.)
Chronic pain
Candace Pert, Nobel Laureate and professor of Brain Biochemistry at Georgetown, had this to say in her book Molecules of Emotion:
"Network Spinal Analysis represents the epitome of body work; it is at the leading of body/mind/spirit integration. This work will transform the planet."
So if people like Tony Robbins and Nobel laureates are raving about NSA, why have you never heard of it?
Because we rarely talk about therapy openly, let alone somatic therapy. Because we are only now coming into a culture that accepts that your body and mind aren't separate; they are one and the same. Because we tend to overemphasize how a person like Tony Robbins succeeded by his force of will, and underemphasize the behind-the-scenes healing modalities that help him thrive.
The fact is, functioning at peak performance takes effort. It doesn't just "happen." If you look at the most successful individuals in the world, you will often find that, in addition to normal or "alternative" education, they've done extensive therapeutic work on themselves. This is because you can't truly excel if you haven't dealt with the blocks within yourself to your own success.
In other words, you've got to be able to get out of your own way. And sometimes you need a little help to do so.
In Tony Robbins' words:
““Network Spinal Analysis and Somato-Respiratory Integration, Donny Epstein’s revolutionary methodologies, are amongst the most powerful sources of personal transformation I have ever experienced or seen. They produce embodied and empowered strategies that are both sustainable and enjoyable for enhanced human resourcefulness and wellness.
I am stronger, more inspired, creative, and healthy because of this work. It has personally and professionally helped me to maximize my ability to contribute to others.” ”
NSA has no adverse side effects. It's not pharmaceutical in nature. It doesn't require hospitalization. It isn't hellaciously expensive.